Sunday, September 8, 2024

European Elections 2024, last minute live: this is the impact of the European Union on the lives of Spaniards

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It is Sunday June 9 are called 38 million people vote in Spain and more of 370 million European citizens so that they can choose the 720 deputies that are going to make up the new European Parliament. The first to do so are those of Netherlands, The Dutch have been voting since 7:30 in the morning and 31 European seats are at stake here. The surveys They give victory with a third of the votes, to the far right Dutch and analysts believe that this is a preview of what is going to happen in these elections.

In Spain we are experiencing the final stretch of a very turbulent electoral campaign led by the controversies that have surrounded the Government about the case of Begoña Gomez, wife of President Pedro Sánchez. In this context, the different polls that have been carried out on the possible results of the elections show varied results. In the case of CISVox is positioned as the third force with 11% of the votes, Sumar would drop to 7.1%, PSOE would be the party with the most votes According to this estimate, with 31.6% or 33.2%, three points more than the PP. Other polls vary the results and give victory to the PP.

It will be possible andappoint a total of 61 representatives of the European organization, among a total of 33 applications, the most notable: PSOE, PP, Sum and Vox, although there are other parties such as Podemos, Ciudadanos, ERC, Bildu and BNG in the coalition called Ahora Repúblicas; PNV, Canarian Coalition in the Coalition for a Solidarity Europe or Juns coalition that presents itself as Junts y Lliures per Europa (Junts UE). The importance of these elections lies in the fact that, mainly, It is in the European Parliament that laws are passed that affect to countries like Spain. EU legislation addresses most of citizens’ priorities: the environment, security, migration, social policies, consumer rights, the economy or the rule of law, among others.

Electing MEPs provides an opportunity for citizens to decide what the EU should focus on in the coming years. These MEPs shape new EU laws.

How is the European Parliament formed?

In the European Parliament, once MEPs are elected, they are grouped into political groups according to their ideological proximity. In actuality there are seven political groups in the European Parliament: European People’s Party Group (Christian Democrats, where parties such as the PP are), Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (PSOE), Renew Europe Group (Citizens and PNV/Canary Coalition-CEUS), Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance (ERC, EH BILDU, BNG, ARA MÉS), Group of European Conservatives and Reformists (Vox), Group of the Left in the European Parliament (Sumar y Podemos) and Identity and Democracy Group. It should be noted that the parliamentarians elected in each country represent the citizens of the European Union as a whole and not their own voters. Hence An MEP elected in Spain represents a Spanish citizen just as one from the same party from another European countryaccording to the European Parliament website.

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