Tuesday, October 22, 2024

National Perspectives on Europe’s De-risking from China

Must read

This report is a publication by the European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC) based on analyses of 21 EU member states and the UK. 

The “de-risking” of relations with China has become an organizing principle for the European Union (EU) since it was first put forward by President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen in March 2023. As is often the case with the EU, however, what is said in Brussels is not always understood in the same way across the continent. This report analyses how 21 EU member states and the United Kingdom view de-risking from a national context. Each chapter is written by China experts who broadly set out to address the same set of questions with respect to their own country:

  • What is the country’s standpoint on the EU’s approach to de-risking?
  • Which China-related risks is that country most concerned about?
  • Has the country’s standpoint on de-risking resulted in any concrete measures?
  • How does that standpoint affect the country’s views on or approach to China?

Download full report.

Chapter: The Netherlands: An extensive but fragmented de-risking approach

By Clingendael expert Vera Kranenburg, Celine Leurs and Raoul Bunskoek

De-risking has been conducted extensively in the Netherlands. It spans many sectors and includes measures aimed at protection from Chinese influence, promotion of Dutch industry and partnering with third countries to address dependencies. The Dutch government’s de-risking approach can be fragmented because all 12 ministries are involved. The debate on China has shifted over the past decade and is currently largely focused on risk. The US government has played a key role in waking The Hague up to the risks that stem from China. Since then, in line with European Union (EU) China policy and EU economic security policy, the Netherlands has initiated a significant amount of protection measures. Nonetheless, there is room for further initiatives on the promoting and partnering pillars. Although the Chinese government has stated its opposition to certain measures, the bilateral relationship has not deteriorated

Find chapter on p. 95 of the report.

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