Monday, September 16, 2024

Hydrogen Infrastructure – Key to Delivering the REPowerEU Objectives

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Hydrogen infrastructure is poised to play a key role in the delivery of Europe’s Green Deal. Its strategic role has been accentuated by the urgent need to reduce imports of fossil gas from Russia, as reflected in the REPowerEU strategy. The TEN-E regulation, which is the EU regulatory and financial framework to support projects of European common interests (PCIs), was reviewed in 2021 to ensure strategic hydrogen infrastructure projects can benefit from streamlined permitting and financial support. Many of these strategic projects enjoy wide political support but their implementation will depend on a strong and continued cooperation among governments and European institutions.

Among those, the H2 Med project, connecting the Iberian Peninsula and France through a submarine pipeline, has emerged as one of the key pillars of the European hydrogen backbone. Once built, it would allow to export considerable amounts of renewable hydrogen into the French network and further north to Germany to meet the high demand for clean hydrogen. France, Spain, Portugal, and Germany have committed at the highest political level to realizing this ambitious project.  

This webinar provided an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities associated to the development of hydrogen pipelines and related infrastructure, with a particular emphasis on the strategic H2 Med project, just weeks before the European Commission published the first Union list of projects of common interest for hydrogen. 

Confirmed speakers:

  • Catharina Sikow-Magny, Deputy Director-General, Coordination Just and Green Energy Transition, European Commission
  • Thierry Trouvé, CEO, GRT GAZ 
  • Arturo Gonzalo Aizpiri,  CEO, Enagás
  • Michael Schneider, Chief Executive Officer of  Energienetze Bayern
  • Kristina Haverkamp, Director of the German Energy Agency Dena 

Moderated by Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO, Hydrogen Europe

Download the presentation:

Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO, Hydrogen Europe

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