Monday, September 16, 2024

Assessing the Effectiveness of European Union Civilian CSDP Missions Involved in Security Sector Reform: The Cases of Afghanistan, Mali and Niger – Afghanistan

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Dr Jaïr van der Lijn, Gretchen Baldwin, Dr Romain Malejacq, Dr Adam Sandor, Dr Pauline Poupart, Makama Bawa Oumarou and Saidou Oumarou Mahamane

Publisher: SIPRI

SIPRI, Stockholm:

May, 2024

The European Union (EU) has deployed a wide variety of civilian missions that have sought to advise, train and build the capacity of internal security sectors in host coun­tries as part of its civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). These mis­sions constitute integral parts of broader international programmes of Security Sector Reform (SSR) in conflict-affected countries. Their strategic objective is to con­tribute to the development of a civilian security sector that is efficient and accountable, and enjoys the trust of the public.

This report looks at three case studies: EUPOL Afghanistan (2007–2016), EUCAP Sahel Mali (2014–) and EUCAP Sahel Niger (2012–2024). All three have engaged in civil­ian SSR activities amid ongoing armed conflict, and operated in broader national and international counterinsurgency contexts. Each case study reflects on the key research question: ‘What contributions have EU civilian CSDP missions involved in SSR made to durable peace?’

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