Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Employment down in Q3 2023

In the...

European elections 2024

The European elections in 2024 will take place from Thursday to Sunday, 6 - 9 June 2024. If you are an EU citizen, you...

8.5% of online job ads looked for ICT specialists

Between the...

Time for a job guarantee in Europe?

A job guarantee could end long spells of joblessness for millions in the EU and send a pre-election signal that a ‘social Europe’ is...

European Union lawmakers agree deal to bolster gig worker rights | TechCrunch

Some two years of talking about gig worker rights later and European Union lawmakers have finally reached a deal on the final shape of...

EU agrees ‘gig economy’ rules to boost workers’ rights

Stay informed with free updatesSimply sign up to the Gig economy myFT Digest -- delivered directly to your inbox.​​EU regulators have agreed to landmark...

Team Europe signs a strategic agreement to address climate challenges in Punjab

The collaborative initiative, entitled 'Punjab Urban Water and Wastewater Governance and Services Improvement,' spans six years and blends grant support from the EU and...

Council of Ministers seeks to boost EU research careers

EUROPE The European Union (EU) Council of Ministers has approved formal guidance for EU member states on making research careers within Europe more attractive to...

New solutions to improve citizens’ lives in Europe’s cross-border regions

  The Commission has put forward solutions to ensure citizens who live in border regions in the European Union can access the services that they...

Commission adopts EU4Health 2024 Work Programme with a €752.4 million funding to strengthen the European Health Union

The European Commission adopted today the 2024 EU4Health work programme, to deliver on key EU health policy priorities as part of the European Health...

Large-scale skills partnership for the health industry launched with support of the Commission

With the support of the Commission, stakeholders from the healthcare sector, including pharma companies and universities, have established a large-scale skills partnership to...

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