Today at the Global Gateway High-Level Event on Education in Brussels, European Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen showcased the European Union’s strong commitment to education and...
The sixth ministerial of the United States–European Union Trade and Technology Council, held in Leuven, Belgium, emphasized the deepening cooperation between the U.S. and...
American and European leaders met in Belgium for the final TTC summit before elections. Despite some successes, the forum’s future remains uncertain.
Expectations were...
The first group of the most promising European companies have joined the European Innovation Council (EIC) Scaling Club, designed to nurture the next generation...
Dr. Christian Schröder
Christian helps clients consider the privacy and artificial intelligence implications of new technology, supports their compliance programs, and helps them stay ahead...
Half-day stakeholder event focused on the implementation of the European Union's Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Regulation.
The event brought together key...
Professionals and technicians employed in science and technology occupations
In 2022, almost 76 million people in the EU aged from 15 to 74 were employed...
MODERATOR: Good morning and welcome to this press conference on the Trade and Technology Council. We are very honored to welcome from the United States...