Monday, September 16, 2024

Demography of Europe – A growing population until 2020

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About this publication

Digitalisation in Europe is an interactive publication released by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

Information on data

The data are based on annual surveys on ICT use in European households and by individuals, and ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises, with the exception of ICT specialists in employment, which are collected in the joint UNESCO/OECD/Eurostat (UOE) data collection and in the labour force survey, respectively.

Data in this publication refer to individuals aged 16-74 except for ICT specialists in employment, which cover persons aged 15-74.

In the survey on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises, businesses cover enterprises employing at least 10 persons (employees and self-employed persons). Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) employ between 10 and 249 persons. Large businesses employ 250 persons or more.

The survey on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises collects data about different ICT topics with different reference periods. For most topics, the reference period is the current situation (at the time of the survey), for instance 2023 for use of cloud computing and social media, and 2022 for ICT security. For the topic of e-commerce, the reference period is the calendar year (2022) prior to the survey year (2023). The data in Eurostat’s database are organised according to the survey year and the results can be found under year 2023 or 2022, depending on the topic and when data were collected.

Data in the visualisations are linked directly to the online database up to the reference year mentioned in the title of each visualisation. Data are shown up to one decimal. The accompanying text was finalised during April 2024 and reflects the data situation at that moment in time. Data in the text are rounded to full digits.

For more information 


If you have questions on the data, please contact the Eurostat user support.

Copyright and re-use policy

This publication should not be considered as representative of the European Commission’s official position.

© European Union, 2024

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For any use or reproduction of elements that are not owned by the European Union, permission may need to be sought directly from the respective rightholders. The European Union does not own the copyright in relation to the following elements:

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Digital transformation: © ESB Professional /
People online: © fizkes /
Businesses online: © VAKSMANV /

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Catalogue number: KS-FW-24-001-EN-Q
ISBN 978-92-68-11769-9
ISSN 2600-3368
doi 10.2785/120017

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