Monday, September 16, 2024

First PCIs/PMIs list data available on Transparency Platform managed by CINEA

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CINEA has updated the Transparency Platform with all the new data coming from the first Union list of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs).

The list, compiling projects to implement cross-border energy infrastructure in the EU, was adopted by the European Commission in November 2023. It includes PCIs, which are projects within the EU territory and, for the first time, also PMIs, which connect the EU with other countries.

The 166 projects that are part of the list will help deliver the European Green Deal:

  • 85 are electricity, offshore and smart electricity grid projects, with many expected to be commissioned between 2027 and 2030;
  • 65 projects are on hydrogen and electrolysers, a sector which is included for the first time in this list and that will play a major role in enabling energy system integration and the decarbonisation of EU industry;
  • 14 CO2 network projects in line with the goals to create a market for carbon capture and storage.

PCI/PMI projects are eligible for financial support from the EU’s Connecting Europe Facility for Energy (CEF Energy).

The new list includes PCIs and PMIs aiming at reinforcing the internal energy market, guaranteeing security of supply, ending energy isolation and dependency, and supporting renewable energy integration to achieve the decarbonisation targets of the EU.

The release of this information allows stakeholders and citizens to access detailed data about the PCIs and PMIs, including the geographical representation, the technical description, the duration of the project, the status of implementation and the societal benefits.

Besides checking PCI and PMI data, the Transparency Platform also allows users to select projects by applying multiple selection criteria, get information on CEF and other EU funding for the relevant projects and have access to more tailored export functionalities that will allow them to create and print their own maps.

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