Monday, September 16, 2024

Greece outside the European Union, but a Greek lawyer writes: I am with Albania, my children’s friends are from there

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Greece outside the European Union, but a Greek lawyer writes: I am with Albania,

The European football championship started yesterday in Germany and today Albania plays in the first match against Italy.

Our other neighbors, the Greeks, failed to qualify for this European, but the status of a well-known lawyer in Greece, who supports Albania, has caught the eye.

Greece outside the European Union, but a Greek lawyer writes: I am with Albania,

Vassilis Papastergiou

Vassilis Papastergiou in an article on social networks writes that this is the most emotional, but also logical choice for him, that is to support Albania.

His friends, clients, but also his children’s friends at school are Albanian, he says.

“And another team, Albania.

It is an emotional choice, but also a logical one.

Albania is a group of our neighborhood, the Balkans.

My children’s classes are full of Albanian children. I imagine they will have a hidden joy for their fathers and grandfathers’ team, even though it plays in the group of death with Italy, Spain, Croatia.

“Albanians have integrated into our country with a lot of effort and a lot of pain. They learned our language like no one else. They filled our cities, their children gave life to the empty classrooms of our schools. They decorated our villages with their work.

Today, the same people who insulted and belittled them then admit that Albanians are educated. Anyway, I don’t support Albania just for this, ie to apologize for everything I write above.

Yes, because Albania is the group of many people who are my friends, my colleagues, my clients, the parents of my children’s classmates”, writes the lawyer.

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