Monday, September 16, 2024

Join EU Humanitarian Aid media trip to Chad

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Spotlight on humanitarian aid to Chad

We are organising a media trip for journalists to Chad, which will take place from 10 to 14 June 2024.

Chad’s refugee population has exceeded 1.1 million people, 735,000 of which are Chadian returnees and Sudanese refugees who have escaped Sudan since the outbreak of the conflict in April 2023. Every day, up to 1,000 refugees cross into the eastern part of the country, fleeing the atrocities of constant militia fighting in neighbouring Darfur and beyond.

Before the start of this crisis, Chad was already hosting one of the largest number of refugees in West and Central Africa and this new influx of forcibly displaced people has drastically intensified the crisis in the East.

EU humanitarian funding is crucial to address the most urgent needs of the refugee populations arriving in extremely precarious situations, most of whom are women and children, as well as those of the host populations, to increase their resilience and to fund activities to promote peaceful coexistence between communities.

The EU also finances the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) in Chad. These flights help aid organisations reach people in need in remote or hard-to-reach areas.

In 2023, the EU allocated more than €56 million in humanitarian assistance to help the most vulnerable in the country, of which almost €25 million were dedicated to help respond this new refugee crisis. In 2024, an initial amount of €45 million has been allocated for humanitarian aid to the country.

10 days ahead of World Refugee Day, we invite you for a media trip in which you will visit Chad’s Eastern region, moving between the border site of Adre, one of the 32 entry points in the country, where new arrivals are registered and the refugee camp sites they are transferred to, near Farchana.

You will be able to interview:

  • civilians seeking refuge in Chad following the outbreak of violence in neighbouring Sudan,
  • beneficiaries of EU funded humanitarian aid projects and staff of EU humanitarian partners,
  • EU representatives from the humanitarian department.

Deadline for registration: 22 April 2024, 17:00 (Brussels time)

Please advise us of your participation as soon as possible so that we can process your visas and media accreditation.

Express your interest

Please note that after expressing your interest, we will review your application. Once you have been accepted, our team will contact you with more information concerning the programme and logistical arrangements.

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