Sunday, September 8, 2024

People from Tiraspol can lead a healthy lifestyle thanks to a sports field reconstructed with the help of European Union

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EU Ambassador to Moldova participated in the opening of a reconstructed sports field with EU support in Tiraspol.

A sports field in a living area of Tiraspol has been reconstructed with the financial support of the European Union. Almost 18 000 people, including 3000 children, will have access to a mini-football field and outdoor fitness equipment.

Also, on the field could be organized competitions between local teams, as well as with participation of children and adults from other localities, including from the right bank of Nistru river.

The sports field, reconstructed within the European Union Confidence Building Measures Programme, implemented by UNDP, was inaugurated on 26 August.

“Sports is an activity that has always connected young people, their families and communities. It fosters mutual respect and friendships by playing, spectating and volunteering. During these challenge period due to Covid 19, we are glad to be able to bring to  children in Tiraspol an opportunity  to find close to the place they live in an area where they can socialize through sport while respecting social distance,” said Peter Michalko, Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, at the opening ceremony.

The project was coordinated by Anatoli Kovalsky, 47, a former sportsperson. He has been practicing kayaking in Ukraine since he was 13 years old. He came back to Tiraspol, and decided to inspire young people, by his own example, to have a healthy lifestyle and choose sports.

“Statistics show that in recent years up to 35% of children who go to school already have chronic diseases. That is why it is important to promote the healthy lifestyle,” says Anatoli Terzi, manager of the EU Confidence Building Measures Programme, implemented by UNDP.

The project, with a budget of more than 50 000 euros, has been implemented during October 2019 and July 2020, aiming to stimulate social interaction among neighbourhood, create enhanced opportunities for physical and social activities for people on both banks of Nistru river and ensure better social atmosphere for young people to choose a healthy lifestyle, excluding tobacco and alcohol.





The reconstruction of the sports field in Tiraspol is one of 16 social infrastructure projects, implemented since 2019 on both banks. The projects were selected through a public call. The European Union Confidence Building Measures Programme, implemented by UNDP, aims at building closer relations among the inhabitants from both banks of the Nistru river by involving them in joint projects.

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