Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sustainable restoration and revitalisation of cultural heritage and public cultural infrastructure

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The objective of the measure is to support sustainable tourism through the revitalisation of cultural heritage and public cultural infrastructure.

The investments support renovation, restoration, overall revitalisation and modernisation of cultural heritage and public cultural infrastructure owned by the state or municipalities. It is expected that this will have a broader positive effect on tourism development.

The essential requirement is also integration of digitalization and ICT technology for the promotion and interpretation of cultural heritage.

The Recovery and Resilience Facility contribution to the investment is EUR 42 million, with the total value of the investment estimated at EUR 57.34 million. Approximately two-thirds of the resources is intended for state-owned cultural infrastructure and one-third for municipality-owned.

Infrastructure owned by the municipalities:

In March 2022, the Ministry of Culture published the call to co-finance projects focused on sustainable restoration and revitalization of cultural monuments owned by municipalities. The call offered co-financing the costs of investments in construction, renovation, restoration, equipment, computer, digital and IT equipment, energy rehabilitation, costs of project documentation, plans, studies and analyses, costs of services of external contractors, costs of implementation of digitization activities, marketing/promotion, information and development of cultural and touristic services and products. Only projects with the estimated costs higher than EUR 1 million were eligible.

The tender was closed in April 2022. A total of 12 beneficiaries were chosen. Total value of co-financing, provided by the Recovery and Resilience Facility, is EUR 16.17 million. Overall, the Ministry of Culture received 39 project applications, with a total request for co-financing of EUR 55.39 million.

The list of co-financed municipal projects:

  1. Podčetrtek – Castle: Experience the Castle View
  2. Tolmin – Ruševine gradu na Kozlovem robu: The Castle on Kozlov’s Edge – The Past for the Future
  3. Ormož – Castle: Ormož Castle and Park in an Architectural, Digital, and Horticultural Transformation
  4. Črnomelj – Castle: Defenders of the Crown and Borders – Project of Renovation and Revival of the Ground Floor of Črnomelj Castle and the Town Center of Črnomelj
  5. Štanjel – Castle: Cultural Incubator Štanjel
  6. Senožeče – Houses Senožeče 33 in 34: Museum of Transport and Trucking
  7. Podsreda – Castle: Cultural Heritage and Tourism
  8. Postojna – Komanda garnizije: 3rd Phase of Reconstruction of Postojna Garrison – Culture (Tourism) as a Generator of Destination Development
  9. Ajdovščina – Pilon Gallery: Pilon Gallery – 5-Star Treasure Trove of Art
  10. Šmarje pri Jelšah – Jelšingrad Mansion: Cultural Experiences of Jelšingrad Mansion
  11. Radlje ob Dravi – Mahrenberg Mansion: The Cultural and Forest Center of the Early Drava Valley
  12. Ravne na Koroškem – The old ironworks: Renovation of the Buildings of the Museum Area

Infrastructure owned by the state:

In April 2023 the Ministry of Culture officially approved the program of investment activities on cultural monuments and public cultural infrastructure owned by the Republic of Slovenia. Within the program, a total of 6 cultural monuments owned by the Republic of Slovenia have been confirmed. Total value of co-financing, provided by the Recovery and Resilience Facility, is EUR 25.83 million.

The list of co-financed state projects:

  1. Turjak Castle: The Comprehensive Conservation of Turjak Castle (EID 790), a Monument of National Importance
  2. Negova Castle: The Comprehensive Conservation of Negova Castle, a Monument of National Importance, EID 484 (the Old Castle, the North Tower and Park)
  3. Vrba na Gorenjskem – Birthplace of France Prešern, Vrba na Gorenjskem – Ribčevo farm building: The Comprehensive Conservation of Prešeren’s homestead in Vrba
  4. Ljubljana – Fužine Castle: The Comprehensive Conservation of part of the southern and the entire western tract of Fužine Castle
  5. Cultural Center Črnomelj: The Comprehensive Conservation of Cultural Center Črnomelj
  6. Ptuj Castle – Castle granary: The Comprehensive Conservation of Ptuj Castle granary+J3

More information can be found at the following links: 

Top 100 recipients:

  • Ministry of Culture, project Grad Turjak – Renovation of the cultural monument 2022-2026
  • Ministry of Culture, project Grad Negova – Renovation of the cultural monument 2022-2026
  • Ministry of Culture, project Črnomelj – Complete renovation of the cultural monument
  • Ministry of Culture, project Grad Viltuš – Renovation of the cultural monument 2022-2026
  • Municipality of Podčetrtek, project Experience of the castle view at Podčetrtek Castle
  • Municipality of Črnomelj, project Defenders of the Crown and Borders (Branilci krone in meja) at Črnomelj Castle

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