Monday, September 16, 2024

Trade agreements: what the EU is working on | Topics | European Parliament

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The EU and the UK agreed a trade and cooperation agreement setting out conditions for trade such as zero quotas and tariffs as well as fair competition rules.

North America

The free trade agreement with Canada, known as the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (Ceta) provisionally entered into force on 21 September 2017. It will enter fully into force once all EU countries have ratified the agreement.

Regarding the US, the Council of the EU approved negotiating mandates for an agreement on eliminating tariffs for industrial goods and mutual recognition of conformity assessment with the US. Further steps remain to be decided. In June 2021, the EU and the US launched the EU-US Trade and Technology Council. The idea is to work together on global trade, economic and technology issues as well as deepen trade and economic relations.


The EU-Japan Economic Partnership came into force on 1 February 2019. An agreement with Vietnam entered into force in 2020.

There are no free trade negotiations ongoing with China. In September 2020 the EU and China reached an agreement to protect the geographical indications of 100 European products and 100 Chinese products in each other’s markets. This was approved by Parliament on 11 November 2020. The agreement will be expanded to another 175 European and Chinese products in the next four years.

In December 2020, the EU and China concluded in principle the negotiations on the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment. The agreement grants EU investors a greater level of access to China’s market.


In June 2022 the EU and New Zealand concluded a free trade agreement. Parliament approved the agreement with New Zealand on 22 November 2023. It will also have to be approved by the Council before it can enter into force.

Negotiations for a comprehensive trade agreement with Australia were launched on 18 June 2018.

Latin America

The most recent deal approved by Parliament was the agreement with Chile on 29 February 2024 which updates an existing agreement. The update will allow for tariff-free access for about 99.9% of EU exports, which is expected to increase EU exports by up to €4.5 billion. At the same time, the EU will get easier access to important raw materials such as lithium and copper. Some sensitive agricultural goods (meat, certain fruits and vegetables and olive oil) will not be liberalised.

An agreement in principle with Mercosur countries was reached in June 2019, however this is subject to approval by the Council and European Parliament.

Negotiations with Mexico on modernising the EU-Mexico Global Agreement started in June 2016. A political agreement was found on 21 April 2018. However, it still needs to be approved by the Council and the European Parliament before it can enter into force.

Southern Mediterranean and Middle East

There are various agreements, including association agreements particularly to boost trade in goods. There are also talks on expanding these agreements in areas such as agriculture and industrial standards with individual countries.

Parliament’s role

Since the Lisbon Treaty entered into force in 2009, trade agreements need the Parliament’s approval before they can enter into force. MEPs also need to be regularly updated on progress during negotiations.

Parliament has already shown it will not hesitate to use its veto if there are serious concerns. For example, MEPs rejected the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Acta) in 2012.

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