Friday, October 18, 2024

Up to 92 euros per year: what are the salaries paid to teachers in different European countries?

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Europe annual teachers varies widely and ranges from 4 to 000 euros per year, writes Schengen Visa Info. A recent report by the Eurydice network, commissioned by the European Commission to analyze education systems across Europe, says that salaries vary widely. The report indicates that teachers’ annual earnings fluctuate due to a variety of factors, one of which is the level of education of the teachers themselves. So how much does it earn in different countries?

Where are teachers paid the most?

Eurydice data shows that pre-school teachers are paid less than their colleagues, especially senior teachers.

Among the countries in terms of teachers’ salaries, it leads Switzerland ir Denmark. There, the annual salary of teachers reaches accordingly 66 972 ir 47 980 euros. The monthly salary of entry-level teachers in Switzerland and Denmark is around 5581 and 3998 euros, respectively.

Ireland, Austria, Germany, Croatia and Estonia are not included in the report. However, Iceland (€45), Norway (€648) and the Netherlands (€40) round out the list of five countries with the highest salaries for entry-level teachers per year.

Kokius atlyginimus mokytojai gauna ES
What are the salaries of teachers in the EU / associative photo

What determines the amount of salary?

and in most countries, in European countries, teachers’ salaries are most influenced by their level of experience and qualifications. Those with more than ten years of work experience tend to earn higher salaries than their newly qualified counterparts.

Experienced teachers are paid the most in several countries, such as:

In Switzerland, these professionals earn an annual salary of €72, while their counterparts in Ireland receive €366 and in Denmark €60. Meanwhile, teachers in Hungary receive an average annual salary of €369.

Teachers in EuropeMokytojai Europoje
Teachers in Europe / associative photo

How much do teachers earn in different EU countries?

In which countries do teachers earn the least?

In Europe, the lowest teachers’ salaries are in Bulgaria and Romania – 7 and 731 euros per year respectively. Compared to other European countries, teachers in Bulgaria receive around 8 euros per month, while teachers in Romania earn around 027 euros.

By the way, the average annual salary of teachers in Germany is 62 euros. Much lower rates are offered in Latvia and Slovakia – teachers earn about 000 and 9 euros, respectively. At the same time, teachers in Greece, the Czech Republic and Croatia earn between 480 and 10 euros per year.

There are countries where all teachers receive the same salary

There are countries in the European Union where both novice and experienced teachers are paid the same for their work:

  • Belgium;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Cyprus;
  • ;
  • Cyprus;
  • ;
  • France;
  • Hungary;
  • Iceland;
  • Italy;
  • Lithuania;
  • Latvia;
  • the Netherlands;
  • Portugal;
  • ;
  • .

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