Sunday, September 8, 2024

Who entered the European Parliament in 2024? 11 representatives were elected

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After counting the results, it became clear which politicians will represent Lithuania in the European Parliament – in the term of 2029. The following politicians received the 11 mandates for Lithuania:

  • Homeland Union- Christian Democrats: Andrius Kubilius, Rasa Juknevičienė, Paulius Saudargas
  • Social Democratic Party of Lithuania: Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis
  • Democratic Union “For Lithuania”: Virginijus Sinkevičius
  • Union of Lithuanian Peasants and Greens: Aurelius Veryga
  • Liberal movement: Petr Auštrevičius
  • Freedom Party: Dainius Žalimas
  • People and Justice Union (centrists, nationalists): Petras Gražulis
  • Election campaign of Lithuanian Poles – Union of Christian Families: Waldemar Tomaszewski

These politicians will represent the interests of Lithuania in the European Parliament for the next five years, contributing to the adoption of important decisions of the European Union.

Europos Parlamentas - kaip pasiskirstė balsai

How were the votes distributed?

Official election not only distributed mandates to parties, but also revealed their ratings. The Conservatives finished confidently in first place, and seven parties remained behind the line. The “Freedom and Justice” party of Artūrs Zuokas and Artūrs Paulauskas took the last place.

  • Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) collected 20,93% of the votes.
  • Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) took second place with 17,64% of the vote.
  • Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union (LVŽS) won 8,96% of the votes and was in third place.
  • Freedom Party collected 7,93% of the votes and took the fourth place.
  • Democratic Union “For Lithuania” received 5,84% of the votes and took fifth place.
  • Election campaign of Lithuanian Poles-Union of Christian Families (LLRA-KŠS) received 5,67% of votes.
  • People and Justice Union (centrists, nationalists) collected 5,35% of the votes.
  • Liberal movement remained just short of the mark with 5,30% of the vote.

Without mandates remained parties:

  • Lithuanian Party of Regions scored 5% of votes.
  • Lithuanian Green Party got 3,97% of the votes.
  • National unification collected 3,72% of the votes.
  • Peace Coalition won 3,44% of the votes.
  • Labor party received 1,63% of votes.
  • Christian Union got 1,35% of the votes.
  • Party “Freedom and Justice” took last place with 1,22% of the vote.

These results showed the support of voters and clearly arranged the parties according to their ratings.

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